
Saturday, June 25, 2011

It is an open letter to YOU..

Open letter to YOU.

It is too hard when talk about heart. Damn hard!!
I'm feeling very down since yesterday. Don't ask me why I'll be like this. YOU should know the answer better than I do. Still remember what you told me before? You said how busy you are, you'll send me at least a single message. Yeah. A SINGLE MESSAGE. We agreed about that earlier. 

Then what happened yesterday, really make my heart crying all night. Because it is too sensitive when we are talking something deep. Promise is just a promise. Human right? We will never be a perfect person. Everybody knows the fact.  

YOU, I always pray to Allah to give you the best in every single thing you do. I never missed it when you are here in me. In my heart. But, you still with your busiest life which mean to me nothing more than wasting your time. Trust me. Maybe not now, later on you will understand what I mean here. (yeah, like you read my blog uh?)

YOU, I hope that I'm not your option, by your priority. There is a different between an option and priority. I hope you get my point here. And today again you do the same thing. Not a single message. Yeahhh, maybe I forgot that you are a busy man in town. Sorry that I have a short term memory. Huhu.

YOU, when one day you were in my shoes, then you will understand how does it feel being totally down. 
Yesterday midnight, I really can't sleep. Take wudhuk and pray asking for ketenangan from Allah. Crying in my doa to Allah asking He not give me too much test that I can't fear. Asking Him to send me a good news everyday. Asking Him to send me a beautiful rainbow to me to make me smile. Asking Him to forgive all my sins that I do. Asking Him to give me a strong heart when the situation is like this. I'm asking Him too much thing in my life. 

YOU, I hope that you'll change in a lot of ways. Don't have to mention it here, ask me when you really want to know what I am talking about. 

YOU, I hope that you'll read this. 
I hope that you'll understand why I am down lately. 
I hope that that that that that.............
I hope it won't be late.


Sincere, ME.


  1. hekeleh,down la sgt...rilek la.dia mmg bz tu kot.ingatlah,setiap kesusahan/keperitan,Allah akn ganti kesenangan/kemanisan

  2. you were never in my shoes, so you don't understand how does it feel.

  3. mai sini kasut tu nak try pakai hehehe..setiap manusia Allah uji..jadi setiap manusia ada masalah sendiri (kasut itu)..kita kena tabah.lazimkanlah istighfar dan zikir pada Allah..sesungguhnya bila mengingati Allah,hati menjadi tenang.


pecah kaca pecah gelas
dah baca harap balas


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